Katoomba Cafes Send Plastic Packing Campaign
Following a Zoom meeting with a Senior Project Officer at the…

Milk Project
The Blue Mountains City Council website states that our LGA…

Dig Deeper – Relate Wider: Buran Nalgarra
Here is a link to Lynn Daniel's SERA journal article.

Buran Nalgarra – School Launch of the Senior School Program at Kindlehill
Alumnus Rory delivering a an audience captivating and powerful…

Invitation to a Whole School Community Launch of our Senior School
Buran Nalgarra- Strength and Learning Through Togetherness

Liz Durnan Review of the Senior School Launch
Here is a link to a review of the Kindlehill Senior School launch,…

Buran Nalgarra – Strength and Learning Through Togetherness
On Tuesday March 28, we launched the new Kindlehill Senior High…

Caring for Country
Last week, Year 10 students met with Chris Tobin as part of…

A Murmuration – Trailer, a film by Michael Joy