Values Statement
Kindlehill is a social deed. Our purpose is to educate children and young people to be powerfully equipped in becoming individuals who contribute to creating a more compassionate and fair society for all.
Read our Guiding Principles
Musical Instrument Program
It is our great pleasure to invite every child and young person to participate in our Instrument Program, Gurunggu bayumi, Children Toward the Music. At Kindlehill, music is not an added extra and is essential to the well-rounded development of students. To learn an instrument and be part of a musical social collaboration is a wonderful and enlivening aspect of a Steiner education.
Read our Musical Instrument Program
Digital Technology Statement
At Kindlehill School, in the digital sphere, we educate students to advocate, create, collaborate and communicate for a fairer and more sustainable world. Their world is an interconnected world both digital and ecologically. We carefully prepare our students to flourish in both.
Read our Digital Technology Statement
Steiner Education Australia
SEA is the peak body for Australian Steiner schools. Steiner education is recognised as a highly valued approach to helping young people develop flexible, agile thinking alongside an ability to collaborate and thrive in a 21st Century world.
Visit the Steiner Education Australia Website
Core Principles for Australian Steiner Schools
Over the past 2 years, the Steiner Australia delegates have been working to develop a set of core principles that represent the key elements of Steiner education for Australian schools.
Core Principles for Australian Steiner Schools
School Fees
See our 2025 School Fees
Annual Report
Read our 2023 – KH Annual Report
Parenting Handbook
Read our Parenting Handbook
Primary School Child Protection Video
Watch this Child Protection Video for Primary School
High School Child Protection Video
Watch this Child Protection Video for High School
Kindlehill Ltd – Constitution, Board and Members
Kindlehill Ltd (ABN 23 091 503 954) is a not-for-profit public company limited by guarantee, established as a charity. The company’s object is (a) to provide for and conduct the education of children, and (b) to establish and carry on schools, colleges, institutions and other educational facilities in Australia, informed by the pedagogical indications given by Rudolf Steiner.
The company is governed by a Constitution (link) which provides for Members, a Board of Directors, Annual General Meeting, financial and related records, the College of Teachers, School Building Fund, Scholarship Fund and other matters.
The operation of the company is governed by the Board of Directors. The Directors (who must be Members) meet 4 – 6 times per year, are drawn from the school and wider community, cherish the school and its purposes, abide by the Board’s governance mandate, and provide their services on a voluntary basis. The company seeks nominations for Directors from the wider community who can bring financial, legal, business, managerial, communication or other skills to the Board. For further information about Board membership, please contact Lynn Daniel (Chair).
The Board reports to the Members who function as a circle of support and accountability for the Board and the School in general. The Members include staff and parents from the school as well as alumni, and individuals from the wider community. In this way, Kindlehill is also responsive and accountable as a school to its wider community as well as our understanding of the social and spiritual imperatives of our time. If you are interested in becoming a Member of Kindlehill Ltd, please contact the Business Manager.
2024 Family Feedback Survey
Read our 2024 Family Feedback Survey
Climate Change Statement