Musical Overture on the Road!
Shoalhaven Gorge lies to the south of Sydney. It…
Wellbeing and Outdoor Education
Each week a group of High School students come back rosy cheeked…
Reimagining the Built Environment
Looking through the structural and cultural frames, students…
Eco-narratives: the Power of Visual Storytelling
Class 8-9 students worked individually or in pairs to create…
Stories of Strength and Power, June 2021
Year 10 presented a night of Stories of Strength and Power.…
Year 10 Studies in Peace Building
In our studies of Peace Building, Class 10 students took on…
Spoon Carving
High School students learn carving techniques…
High School Hanging with the Hanging Swamp at the Lake
For this project, we combined science and geography for…
Japanese extends beyond just language at Kindlehill with beautiful…