These collected writings are about people who inspired us as we researched their lives in our history lessons. Class 7/8 drew inspiration from Renaissance artists, scientists and inventors. Class 9/10 drew inspiration from the lives of Revolutionaries who called for liberty, equality and fraternity in the context of their own lives and inspired by the Enlightenment.
Some names you will recognise, Leonardo, Copernicus, Voltaire and Rousseau whose thinking and inventiveness are set into the great transformation that heralds our own modern ways of making sense of the world. Others will be less known but just as deserving of a legendary place in history such as female artist of the Renaissance, Sofonisba Anguissiola. In the gallery of revolutionaries is Sojourner Truth, born a slave, she was a tireless speaker for freedom and equality for African Americans and women in the late 1800s. Also the Grimke sisters, peace activists, abolitionists and advocates of equality for women in the 1800s; and Mary Wollstonecraft, women’s right activist who is also mother of Mary Shelley who wrote Frankenstein and was known as the modern Prometheus at age 18!
Throughout this selection, I invite you to listen to the voices of our young people. When I read their work I hear their passion, their courage and commitment to human rights and dignity for all. These are voices of initiative of those who will forge paths as individuals and for the social good, into the future.
Finally, let me confess that as a teacher, marking works such as these is no slog for me. I dance with excitement and wings of hope stretch toward me. I am in this instance the most privileged person, listening in on the soul and spirit of these representatives of the young generation, as they take inspiration from the gallery of change makers from the past. Lynn.
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Kindlehill School is a K-10 Steiner School that sits on a hill above the Wentworth Falls Lake, in the Blue Mountains, NSW. We are an independant school working creatively and in a contemporary way, out of the foundation of Rudolf Steiner’s philosophy for education.