Word of mouth is an important way people in the wider community find out about Kindlehill. We have a new poster/leaflet to share in cafes and local centres. The link to share by internet is here https://mcusercontent.com/4fd16fa15a7eac1a3e4e390cb/files/80d36507-08ec-7dd3-7b2f-15181fab8661/Buran_Nulgarra.pdf
We are very grateful when our School families share the word about Buran Nalgarra, our Senior School program.

Originally a high school teacher in the public system, Lynn has also taught at TAFE and in community settings. In the Steiner context, she has previously been a kindergarten and primary school teacher. In addition to her roles as Chair and Principal, Lynn is High School Co-Ordinator, teaches Geography and History, and co-ordinates the Outdoor Education Programme. Lynn has a B. Arts (UWA) and a Dip. Ed. (WA Secondary Teachers College).