This was the theme for our Autumn Fair and a wonderful community spirit warmed us on a wild and windy weather day! This was our twelfth autumn fair and each one is unique; but common to all is the ingenuity and creativity, the willing hands and cooperative efforts of parents, teachers and children working together.
Our school is growing every year into a beautiful and life enriching tree. Its roots deepen, the branches broaden, and the leafy community is renewed with the seasons. Each person in our school community is a leaf bringing light and warmth to the life of the school as a whole!
The fair was also an opportunity to shine some light on some of the special activities happening around our school this year. We have additional resources for our use….a light filled dedicated music room; which is used every day by classes. Sounds of marimba in particular drift daily around the school. On Mondays, Steve brings guitar to the high school class, Tuesday I hear trumpets! And On Thursday, it is home to our violin programme for class 3 – 6, with Lynn Trappell.
Two other rooms have become available this year; a dedicated hard craft workshop room set up by Duncan but with a huge amount of voluntary help from Georgina – who is also well known for her windows around our school! Also, the library which has been a labour of love for two dedicated parents who never seem to tire of helping. The library has been fitted out with the most beautiful shelves, hand made by Jamie who was caught up with the creative impulse of how trees were being used in the timber work of our new buildings. Amy has been the driving force (the juice and sap) of making the library functional. Thank you also to a host of other parents who have leant Amy and Jamie support throughout this project.
Last term, under the guidance of felt artiste Pam de Groot, we rolled, pressed, squeezed and kneaded – great chunks of us at any one time. Children, teachers, parents, laboured under the felt wizard Pam as she cast the spell of this wonderful hanging that now adorns our performance hall. To quote Pam, this is community spirit come to life! What a wonderful work of community art we have to warm our performance hall.
Lastly, we celebrated a gift from the wider community; from craftspeople of the woodturning kind. The wood turners of the Blue Mountains have laboured away to bring us the gift of a hand crafted chess set. Duncan’s class having conquered the square measure in maths have drawn up the chess board on the upstairs verandah and the game is on!
Finally, a warm and heartfelt THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED TO CREATE THIS WONDERFUL DAY. There was food for bellies, hearts and minds, and festivities for all ages.

Kindlehill School is a K-10 Steiner School that sits on a hill above the Wentworth Falls Lake, in the Blue Mountains, NSW. We are an independant school working creatively and in a contemporary way, out of the foundation of Rudolf Steiner’s philosophy for education.