Friday 30th October, 7pm (6:45 for chai) in the Performance Space
How can we address the “disconnect” so prevalent in our times; from ourselves, each other, from nature and the spiritual world?
How can a school, as a community centred around education, begin to read the book of nature, walk pathways of gentleness and generosity, and strive to cooperate powerfully with the divine intentions for our world?
Come and hear more about an exciting and empowering approach to peace making as a school community.
In 2015, peace and reconciliation has been the highlighted vision and goals at Kindlehill. This has been implemented within the teaching programmes as well as in the school community through forums, community engagement and school festivals.
Lynn Daniel is a founding teacher and Principal of Kindlehill. She has taught kindy, primary school, high school and in adult education. Kindlehill School begun at the start of the new millennium and endeavours through education, to contribute in powerful and positive ways to the creating of a fairer and sustainable world.
Professor David Orr, an eminent environmental educator in the USA, says that….What is needed in our times is a paradigm shift comparable to the enlightenment… “A higher order of heroism, charity, wildness and the rights of children…a movement of hundreds of thousands of young people equipped with the vision, the moral stamina and the intellectual depth necessary to rebuild neighbourhoods, towns and communities around the planet…”

Kindlehill School is a K-10 Steiner School that sits on a hill above the Wentworth Falls Lake, in the Blue Mountains, NSW. We are an independant school working creatively and in a contemporary way, out of the foundation of Rudolf Steiner’s philosophy for education.