What a whirl of a start to the term with lots happening across the school. Last week’s highlights included classes 2 – 5 joining Grammar for a day of science at the lake, sponsored by Council. Kindy children are settling well into their sunny garden days, class 1 have lept into primary school land with Erica, John’s class are enthusiastically embarking on their Big Project, and high school are swimming the homework marathon as well as learning some valuable tools for communication. After school care with Brigett is a picture of relaxed and well nourished children and playgroup with Susan, always a scene of loveliness.
Thank you to Eyal Mayroz and Rowe Morrow for a most insightful and stimulating evening of conversation on Friday evening. Eyal’s presentation focussed on the complexities of empathy and on the practical nature of compassion. Rowe led us thinking about humane solutions for refugee camps. We wish her well in her upcoming trip to Iraq where she is taking some very simple but profound ideas to a camp north of Mosul with the support of World Vision. Thanks also to Belle in year 8 for the moving and powerful song she composed and performed especially for this evening. Also to Sarah Daniel for chai and to Nissa B for childcare.
Thank you to Tara (class 1 parent) for the warming chai at our afternoon tea welcome. A lovely chance for a cuppa and a chat.
We welcome Sharon and Adam to College this year, both teachers work across the primary and high school classes. We are confident they will enrich the College work in the school with their individual strengths and commitment to the flourishing of Kindlehill.
Well not quite in a day…kindy will add a little helping task to their wheels day, class 1 will have an emu bob at school, class 2/3 will tackle some broom and blackberry, class 4/5 will clean up at the lake and class 6/7 will incorporate a clean up activity into their BIG ADVENTURE – canoe/walk in Glenbrook National Park

Kindlehill School is a K-10 Steiner School that sits on a hill above the Wentworth Falls Lake, in the Blue Mountains, NSW. We are an independant school working creatively and in a contemporary way, out of the foundation of Rudolf Steiner’s philosophy for education.