Sweetening The Waters
The winter season is upon us and we are preparing for our very special whole school celebration of Winter’s Night (the longest night and shortest day of the year). On Friday evening of the 24th June, we gather as a school community for a feast of light and music, colour and story, singing and celebration.
This Winter’s Night we will tell the story of three “nights” (without the k) who go reluctantly from the balmy land of good time – summertime, into the whipping wildness of Old Man Winter’s Night. Their knightly quest is to find three things in order to renew the sun forces of their community.
They must find the outer and inner sun, the peace of the land and the cheer of community. Along the way, the three nights are transformed from their despondent and weary ways, into noble and fair knights, through the musical mysteries of the Sun Woman, Grandmother Country and the people of the Big Warm Heart. Lantern makers, winter singers, instrumentalists and storytellers from across the school will come together to present this Winter Night’s feast in honour of the sun, the land and the people. All school families are warmly welcome to join us for a festive evening.
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Kindlehill School is a K-10 Steiner School that sits on a hill above the Wentworth Falls Lake, in the Blue Mountains, NSW. We are an independant school working creatively and in a contemporary way, out of the foundation of Rudolf Steiner’s philosophy for education.