Preparations are well underway.
3-4pm The dragonfly story will be told in a bold shimmer of dance and music at 3pm that involves all classes.
4-6pm DRAGONFLY ACTIVITIES: We have some lovely activities for all including dragonfly origami, dance/drum session to prepare for the parade, dragonfly wings, face painting…..we are seeking volunteers to help with other activities such as lantern making, dragonfly slack rope walking, parade swamp rattlers (bottle tops on sticks)……other ideas welcome. (Some of these activities have small payment attached from gold coin to $5 to$8 for face painting).
DRAGONFLY MARKET STALLS: During this time there will also be food available including from Sarah’s nourishing kitchen as well as Sayoko and Scott’s Zen coffee van. Beautiful crafts will also be in the market stalls – featuring artist crafters Michelle Snowden and Pam DeGroot (others welcome to apply). The handmade with love Kindlehill craft stall will also be there with Sally and Kim.
DRAGONFLY GARDEN EXHIBITION: We have so far about 6 artists contributing to the Dragonfly Garden Installations. There is still time to create something for this. There will be a guide to the exhibition.
6pm DRAGONFLY PARADE: High school have made a giant dragonfly from recycled ironing boards and copper wire. This will be at the head of the parade with Emily from Hands, Heart and Feet together with drummers and dancers leading the way. We encourage everyone to dress up for this one! Musical instruments welcome, if you would like to feature in the parade let us know!
[gview file=”https://kindlehill.nsw.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/271015-Kindlehill-Newsletter-17-.pdf”]

Kindlehill School is a K-10 Steiner School that sits on a hill above the Wentworth Falls Lake, in the Blue Mountains, NSW. We are an independant school working creatively and in a contemporary way, out of the foundation of Rudolf Steiner’s philosophy for education.