Kindlehill opens it new Kindergarten, January 28th, 2011
The new kindergarten at Kindlehill is a beautiful spiral building with a sweeping curved roof. It has been constructed with recycled and renewable materials, sourced locally where possible. The design and construction is a showcase for earth buildings, and a regular destination for eco building tours.
But what makes it especially unique is the social collaboration that has literally sculpted and sweated this building into being. The constellation of talent contributing the building of this kindergarten, includes architects and craftsmen, volunteers from the community (including artists), teachers and parents, as well as help exchange volunteers from all over the world. The building is hand crafted, heart warmed, intelligent and resourceful in design and construction, artistically finished, and is a work of collaboration under the outstanding leadership of Jason Dash of Mud and Straw Concepts.
The children who attend this kindy garden, have around them, a building handmade with love. It was blessed ceremonially with the creation of a mandala to Mother Earth in song, word and with flowers.

Kindlehill School is a K-10 Steiner School that sits on a hill above the Wentworth Falls Lake, in the Blue Mountains, NSW. We are an independant school working creatively and in a contemporary way, out of the foundation of Rudolf Steiner’s philosophy for education.