Craft Stall
A huge “Thank You” to all who helped at the Kindlehill Stall at the Co-op’s birthday. Parents swooned our rainbow-bright bountiful display, and children delighted in their artfully painted faces and colourful crafts.
Face painting and the Craft Stall raised $600 in under 3 hours, before the rain washed us away!
Pam & Michelle wish to especially thank the craft group and parents who contribute their talents in creating beautiful toys and wares for the stall. Craft Group will resume fortnightly meetings, beginning Friday 25th March. All are welcome to come along and sup, socialise and share skills!
Many thanks to Gracia, Lylapearl, Peggy, Alia, Arliah, Lemuel, Macklan, Romini, Sashka and Tilda (from Pippita and Duncan’s classes). These students performed the song ‘My Island Home’ with Rachel Hore’s choirs. They have showed dedication and a love of singing over the past few weeks and were wonderful during the performance. Thanks S’haila for your dedication to creating this amazing group of singers. People who heard the performance said it was truly a heart warming experience.

Kindlehill School is a K-10 Steiner School that sits on a hill above the Wentworth Falls Lake, in the Blue Mountains, NSW. We are an independant school working creatively and in a contemporary way, out of the foundation of Rudolf Steiner’s philosophy for education.