Georgina leads the Window-making Group, one of four parents who have volunteered their time to create bespoke windows and French doors for the school. (If you want to admire their work so far check out the new windows in Kindy).
Georgina is a fine wood maker with fourteen years experience crafting everything from high-end, sculptural domestic objects to a house. Most of her work demands exacting levels of precision, so the rustic, organic nature of Kindlehill’s windows is a chance for her to loosen up a bit. “It’s a freer, easier process” she says, “more whimsical and fun”.
Six months ago she and the other window makers – Florian, Ray and David G – constructed 13 windows and doors, first at Georgina’s workshop, then later at various peoples homes. After a few months in storage, Georgina is chuffed to see the windows and doors finally making their debut in the new building. Finally, the dedicated work of the window group can be admired by all.
Next week, the window makers will start work on a new batch of windows, not in the main theatre of action, but hidden away in backyard garages and workshops. So for those about to cut, join, route and sand, we salute you!

Kindlehill School is a K-10 Steiner School that sits on a hill above the Wentworth Falls Lake, in the Blue Mountains, NSW. We are an independant school working creatively and in a contemporary way, out of the foundation of Rudolf Steiner’s philosophy for education.