Autumn has arrived with a chill and a drench! How much more we appreciate the sunny days in between. This week the preparation for the Autumn Fair gets underway with serious work from Annie, Pete, class 2/3 and the various coordinators. I encourage you to help where you can and to spread the word about the fair to friends and contacts in person, and by your preferred means. In this time when we do so much of our communicating online, it can take conscious effort to take time for the conversation but I know for myself, that when I do it is always an enriching experience, a chance to connect and breathe. Fairs are important opportunities for school families and visitors to get a feel for the broader school community in action, and are often referred to in enrolment meetings as a significant factor in families finding their way to Kindlehill.
The autumn Kindlings has now been distributed, if you haven’t received your family copy, you can get one from a teacher or the office. It is a great window into some of the unfolding learning of the various classes. In this newsletter are also some articles of interest, one in regard to devices in family life, another about living a compassionate life from an ex Kindlehill student and one about Naplan. Food for thought.
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Kindlehill School is a K-10 Steiner School that sits on a hill above the Wentworth Falls Lake, in the Blue Mountains, NSW. We are an independant school working creatively and in a contemporary way, out of the foundation of Rudolf Steiner’s philosophy for education.