I imagine you may have many carefully handmade items gently kept about your home: a getabout bag woven from finger knitting, a weed woven basket, a French knitted snail, an embroidered bag, a crocheted beanie/scarf/wrist warmer, a wooden chessboard…..
At Kindlehill we place a strong emphasis on the craft for its many benefits to the student’s development. It encourages fine motor skills, problem solving abilities and persistence as well as nurturing a deep appreciation for the items we have and use in our daily lives.
The creative projects always embrace an artistic aesthetic so that our useful tools have beautiful form as well as function. There is patience and attention to detail shown and then, on completion, such a well earnt sense of achievement.
Soft craft such as knitting, weaving and embroidery, feature in the younger years. The children then add woodcraft to their skill and experience repertoire; designing and making functional and beautiful items such as wind spinners, spoons, tool boxes and carved bowls.

Kindlehill School is a K-10 Steiner School that sits on a hill above the Wentworth Falls Lake, in the Blue Mountains, NSW. We are an independant school working creatively and in a contemporary way, out of the foundation of Rudolf Steiner’s philosophy for education.