“Without music, life would be a mistake.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche
Music at Kindlehill is at the heart of what we do: we sing, we dance, we clap, we move, we play…every day. As Yip Harburg, the lyricist of the Wizard of Oz, said “Words make you think. Music makes you feel. A song makes you feel a thought.”
It was a sad moment indeed for me when choirs and wind ensembles were halted to stem the spread of COVID-19. Then, with some processing time, a moment of possibility and opportunity – how do we bring the wonderful elements of music to our students in different ways to before?
In my class we are learning more body percussion workouts, we are speaking our acknowledgement, verses and songs, we are moving our bodies to music (I play a mean ukulele!) and (a bit outside the square) I am looking into a class radio station. Who knows what might come out of this? Though I still agree with Ella Fitzgerald ‘The only thing better than singing is more singing’.
All our music tutorial lessons have continued, with wind instruments shifting to one on one lessons. String Ensemble is going strong and the High School Band is set to get a new snare drum to really get things rocking. There are plans for a Musical Extravaganza in Term 4.
Next term the Class 4 students will be able to choose their second instrument for 2021 with some children continuing with the violin while beginning something new. And cello will be on offer to students from year 3 – maybe the future hold someone to take up the double bass!

With a B. Arts (Social Ecology) and a Master of Teaching (UWS), S’haila has been at Kindlehill since 2001 when she came to a Spring Open Day with her children – and stayed! Since then, she has variously been Playgroup leader, Kindy assistant, member of the Village people, Craft coordinator, Gymnastic and sport coach, Music program coordinator, SEA delegate, Gardener and Gardening coordinator, Class Teacher and College member.