The spiral is a symbol of life found in the macro and the micro, experienced deep within our being and out in the furthest reaches of the universe. So, at playgroup, we walk the spiral, carrying our un-lit lanterns, taking courage to journey into the very centre, where we meet our inner light, fired by the Sun Star. There we light our lantern and spiral back out into the world, to our families and into the community, flame alight, renewed, bright.
With parents, hands have worked to create felt lamp illuminations and dear paper lanterns for winters night. The result? The culmination of connection, conversation, creation and more light shared with the world, more love shared with the world.
In our final week at playgroup, we make golden sunshine soup and star cake to rejoice in our connection of shared friendships and the mysteries of beyond. A puppet show is enjoyed, and star gifts presented to the children, carrying the message of love and protection, offered through deeds of love.
Let us know how you feel connected with our community.

Kiara has worked in the Steiner early childhood sector for 15 years in Sydney, as an assistant, a teacher and playgroup facilitator. Holds a Bachelor of education (primary) Notre Dame, a diploma in early childhood, and is currently studying art therapy. Kiara joined Kindlehill at the beginning of 2021 as playgroup facilitator.
“To meet young families, nurture friendships and build a learning, singing, playing community which extends from the home realm is such an honour”.