In Term 4 it is Kindy’s turn to dance with the most wonderful Jo Clancy of Wagana Dance. Last week Jo was joined by Paul and together they taught Kindy the Mariang (Emu) and the Buru (kangaroo) story and dance. Paul also played the yidaki (didgeridoo) lulling the children into a sweet stillness and wonder. These classes are the highlight of our Kindy weeks. Thank you, Jo and Paul.

Kirsty has completed Studies of Anthroposophy and Rudolf Steiner Education (Early Childhood) at the Sydney Rudolf Steiner College, and a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) from James Cook University. She joined Kindlehill in 2008 as a Kindergarten assistant and has been Kindergarten Teacher since 2013.
“As the Kindergarten teacher, I nurture the young child as they begin their journey at Kindlehill. I enjoy creating an environment that is rich in imagination, beauty and wonder, supporting and guiding the development of the whole child”.