Last week, High School travelled to Ganguddy for a three-day art camp on Wiradjuri Country. The days were warm and the nights, cold, but the temperature of the Cudgegong River was perfect for swimming.
PDHPE teacher Lindsey taught us how to make pinch pots using clay and river sand which were dried in the sun and fired in the glowing coals of the campfire. Visual Arts teachers Adam and I lead sessions in ways of seeing and drawing, whilst Wood Tech coordinator Derek had students carving and whittling and Lynn guided students in creative journalling.
On our last day, students’ pieces were displayed in an art exhibition at the base of the giant pagodas that lined the campsite. For some students it was their first camp, and for High School’s first camp of the year, it was a fantastic way to connect with and create on Country. A big thank you to Sarah for her incredible camp organisation and Libby for her unwavering student support.

Stephanie has completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts (COFA, UNSW), a Bachelor of Communications (UTS) and a Graduate Diploma in Secondary Education (Monash). She has a pre-teaching background in the arts, public affairs and publishing, and taught in London and Sydney before joining Kindlehill in 2017.