February’s Art Camp at Ganguddy is now a regular fixture on the High School calendar, with Years 7-10 joined by our first Year 11 cohort. Last Wednesday, the threat of rain saw the first day of camp take place at school, where students undertook sessions in drawing and printmaking on Country, and a Drama session in the Performance Space. On days two and three, High School travelled to Ganguddy, where students took part in whittling, weaving, writing, ceramics and percussion. An art exhibition of student work will be on display in Term 2 during our Autumn Fair and Open Day.
The Treasure Within
Choking, rising, smoke bellowed from the crown of a volcano forever seated next to a breathtaking bay that led to the sea where little boats were being rocked by the mighty eruption. At the foot of this bewildering volcano was a village, once busy and bustling with trade, now fueled by the panic of its people.
The volcano plumed dark navy-blue smoke. It clouded the sky, plunging the land into darkness, the only light was from the fire that blazed the landscape. Slowly it leaped to the town, trapping people behind the walls that once protected them. Ash blanketed the land, encasing the town, entombing the valley full of trees and animals. Eerie silence flowered and somewhere a plum budded armorers of wildflowers growing in the fertile ash.
Beau, Yr 11
Biting Down on Wet Shoes
An over ripe orange that the dog peed on is all I can smell. I’m wondering what’s going on in this lime green, sky blue world. My muscles freezing to the sourness. The Nepean River is turning gold, the month of March spiders are finding home in shoes and yet we still can’t wake. It’s like a spell cast over us by the overdone orange, it never let’s go. When will we wake from this purple black, yellow bruising and listen to the song of mourning magpies, the cry out loud cockatoos, the distressing lyrics of the lyrebirds. So why are we still sleeping?
Rose, Yr 11

Kindlehill School is a K-10 Steiner School that sits on a hill above the Wentworth Falls Lake, in the Blue Mountains, NSW. We are an independant school working creatively and in a contemporary way, out of the foundation of Rudolf Steiner’s philosophy for education.