Every two years, Kindlehill High School’s Class 8 – 9 undertake a unit of work in English entitled, ‘Social Media – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly’. Each time the course evolves, but each time the students are asked to write a piece that speaks to social media. Students are welcome to write in a subjective and imaginative way that best addresses this tricky topic, and whilst I encourage all opinions, each and every time students return to the overwhelming view that social media is a negative force in their lives.
This year, students were asked to write a letter regarding social media which could either be addressed to their past or future selves, to parents or carers, or to social media itself. Whilst the students agreed to their work being published in a zine they designed themselves, the decision has been made to keep each piece anonymous as they share the truth of social media’s impact on their current teen and past tween selves.
Our thanks go to Mary from the wonderfully community-minded ‘Good Earth Bookshop’ in Wentworth Falls that allows Kindlehill’s students to sell their school-made zines, and then use the credit to purchase pre-loved books, games or posters for the classroom.

Stephanie has completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts (COFA, UNSW), a Bachelor of Communications (UTS) and a Graduate Diploma in Secondary Education (Monash). She has a pre-teaching background in the arts, public affairs and publishing, and taught in London and Sydney before joining Kindlehill in 2017.