What a joy to see the “players” of Years 8 – 10 cohesively working together right up until the moment before curtains opened to the performance of A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream.

Everyone is part of the drama performances in our high school. Confidence before an audience, confronting fears, working collaboratively, celebration of achievements in a community setting, are just a few of the gains that our students weave into their lives from these dramatic experiences.
A huge thank you to Georgia, our talented drama teacher and highly experienced actor and director. You are truly a signpost to how to live with positivity, perseverance and celebration. Did you know Learning Support Teacher Libby is a lighting/sound expert (and NIDA graduate)? So many of our high school teachers have secret strings to their bows, bringing worldly expertise and experience to what we create together at Kindlehill.
Classes 8 – 10 went on camp almost immediately following the play, for a Geographical exploration of Water in the environment. I heard they were quoting Shakespeare while they waded for macroinvertebrates!