At Kindlehill we have many special and grand traditions that help us celebrate this night with reverence and beauty. Unfortunately, with restrictions around gatherings, our Winter’s Night looked outwardly very different, however, as a school we still inwardly prepared ourselves and the children through storytelling, singing, candle making and lantern making.
This year the Winter Solstice occurred on Sunday the 21st June. In the lead up to Winter’s Night, the children brought home little gifts for their families. Gifts such as dipped candles, songs, warming recipes and stories. These gifts took the children and the whole family on a journey into Winter’s Night. Families were also emailed a winter story and songs that the children had heard and sung as preparation.
The wish at Kindlehill was to inspire families to create an evening of beauty and reverence. A time to reflect on changes in our environment and within ourselves as we headed into winter and to remember the return of the sun’s strength after Winter’s Night. This was also an opportunity to take a moment of quiet and stillness to send much needed peace and healing into our world. A time to reconnect. Our image was for families to place their lanterns in their windows in the evening, creating our own constellation for peace.
Families were also encouraged to go on a lantern walk in the street or local park, share an evening meal by candlelight or an outside fire with family and friends.

Kirsty has completed Studies of Anthroposophy and Rudolf Steiner Education (Early Childhood) at the Sydney Rudolf Steiner College, and a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) from James Cook University. She joined Kindlehill in 2008 as a Kindergarten assistant and has been Kindergarten Teacher since 2013.
“As the Kindergarten teacher, I nurture the young child as they begin their journey at Kindlehill. I enjoy creating an environment that is rich in imagination, beauty and wonder, supporting and guiding the development of the whole child”.