It was a particularly Twinkly Winter’s Night this year.
The final line of the poem we recited on the night “Oh Mother, Earth Mother, goes like this:
“Breathing in peace,
With a heart full of gold,
That through our love,
As a star may unfold.”
It’s a favourite line because, it speaks of the power of LOVE – It can unfold a star, no less.
Winter’s Night, a moment to pause and consider the return of the light is a moment to remind ourselves and connect to this love. This love, that does in fact, carry us.
A big thank you to everyone who contributed to making this special night so very moving and lovely. As always Uncle Lex and Aunty Corina welcoming us so warmly and guiding us with ceremony and in Dharug Dalang.
A warming thank you and deep appreciation to Flinn for bathing us in didgeridoo warmth by the lake.
Our gratitude is deep.
To the teachers and class assistants for creating and being inspired by the Dharug Calendar and offering such a beautifully considered displays of the seasons to the children and our community.
To all the staff in all the big and little ways you help make these events work and run smoothly. A love filled thank you.
To parents who joined us this year in making our singing with the children so wonderfully strong and harmonious. Oh, how LOVEly it is to sing together. It should happen more.
To the children who practise so hard, make such beautiful lanterns, sing so very sweetly and for being the LOVE- filled reason for all this abundance and beauty.
To all the families who come along, light a lantern, walk and sing with the children and step by step together, continue to forge a community of LOVE.

After extensive experience with Barnardos Australia, Erica joined the teaching profession in 2004, focusing for many years on high school teaching for young people with behavioural issues not able to be in mainstream classes. Erica joined Kindlehill School in 2009. She has a B. Arts ( Hons) (USYD) and a Master of Teaching (UWS).
“Through a profoundly nurturing and rich education of the whole child we help to heal the world and move towards greater kindness and respect – that’s why I am here.”.