On Wednesday 16 September, Kindlehill held our Spring Celebration where we expressed our gratitude to Mother Earth for the gifts of life and beauty that sustain and nourish us all. In the days leading up to the celebration, teachers shared stories that depicted the generosity and interconnectedness of nature and our human place within this.
On the day, students and teachers worked actively in the garden, working in teams to weed, plant and mulch. We also mixed a biodynamic preparation that was spread across all the gardens. Part of the day was ceremonial around a fire, where High School read a powerful Acknowledgement of Country and John sang a beautiful Dharug song. Each member of our school then contemplated their offerings alongside the awakening and abundance of spring, as one by one we walked the beautiful floral labyrinth. Please click the button to view a short slideshow of the day with salsa music by Class 9/10.
Originally a high school teacher in the public system, Lynn has also taught at TAFE and in community settings. In the Steiner context, she has previously been a kindergarten and primary school teacher. In addition to her roles as Chair and Principal, Lynn is High School Co-Ordinator, teaches Geography and History, and co-ordinates the Outdoor Education Programme. Lynn has a B. Arts (UWA) and a Dip. Ed. (WA Secondary Teachers College).