With the arrival of Spring, we begin to feel a softening and excitement in our world and within ourselves. If we take the time to sit, watch and feel, we can see the energy behind the bud that is about to bloom and hear the busyness of the bees in the trees. As the Northern Hemisphere begins its journey into winter and darkness, it is our turn in the Southern Hemisphere to collect the light and awakening warmth, while setting renewed intentions for how we can contribute to creating a peaceful and tolerant world.

Kirsty has completed Studies of Anthroposophy and Rudolf Steiner Education (Early Childhood) at the Sydney Rudolf Steiner College, and a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) from James Cook University. She joined Kindlehill in 2008 as a Kindergarten assistant and has been Kindergarten Teacher since 2013.
“As the Kindergarten teacher, I nurture the young child as they begin their journey at Kindlehill. I enjoy creating an environment that is rich in imagination, beauty and wonder, supporting and guiding the development of the whole child”.