As we move towards the longest night of the year, Kindlehill School invites the wider community to join them for the annual celebration of their Autumn Fair on Dharug and Gundungurra Country.
This year Autumn Fair takes place on Saturday May 13 from 10am to 2pm and is open to everyone. Celebrated in the leadup to the Winter Solstice, the Kindlehill School term has begun with busy fair preparations and will culminate in a Winter’s Night Festival in June, bringing the school community together before the term’s end and Winter’s break.
With the theme of ‘Bayaymigu’, which is Dharug for ‘towards the music’, the annual fair brings restorative focus to enliven a sense of community and will also celebrate students’ musicianship with performances and workshops. Year 7 have been busy making Cajon boxes in woodwork classes, and will be presenting a drumming display with Emily Cooper from Hands, Heart and Feet.
This year the local makers and creators Artisan Market returns again. Other stalls and activities include ceramics, forging, woodturning, storytelling, jewellery, craft, felting and face painting.
Kindlehill continues its raffle with loads of prizes on offer, and the School’s craft group have been busy creating knitted delights and felted creatures, all for sale on the day.
Once again, the cafe will be selling a delicious array of cakes, biscuits and treats, along with chai and espresso coffee and a wholesome vegetarian lunch and pizza straight from the woodfired oven will also be available.
Kindlehill recently announced their 2024 plan to start a Senior High School program, Buran Nalgarra, which is Dharug for ‘strength and learning through togetherness’. The principal and teachers welcome discussion about Senior School at the Autumn Fair, and the community are invited to attend a screening of ‘A Murmuration’ at 7pm on Wednesday 24 May, the documentary film that recently launched Buran Nalgarra at Mount Vic Flicks.
Kindlehill School looks forward to welcoming the community to the Autumn Fair from 10am-2pm on Saturday 13 May at 8 Lake Street in Wentworth Falls.

Kindlehill School is a K-10 Steiner School that sits on a hill above the Wentworth Falls Lake, in the Blue Mountains, NSW. We are an independant school working creatively and in a contemporary way, out of the foundation of Rudolf Steiner’s philosophy for education.