Kindlehill parent, Penny Jones, has been commissioned to write Kindlehill’s biography. The book will be released in time for the School’s upcoming birthday celebrations later in the year. Read below for a sneak peek.
In 1999, when a small group of renegade parents – self-styled as the Motley Crew – decided it was high time to create a new kind of school, they nurtured their impulse, offered it the finest tinder and softly blew on the spark. Kindlehill has been burning brightly ever since.
But what was the impulse that got things going? What kind of fuel has sustained the school through myriad challenges? and What does the rather magical Fibonacci sequence have to do with the Kindy classroom? You’ll learn all this and more in Kindlehill’s official biography coming soon!
Seeking submissions:
While most of the book will be told in the words of those whose steady hands that have stewarded the school to its present-day glory, we are seeking submissions from anyone else who has a Kindlehill story to share. From a one-liner to an essay, let me know: What does Kindlehill mean to you?

Kindlehill School is a K-10 Steiner School that sits on a hill above the Wentworth Falls Lake, in the Blue Mountains, NSW. We are an independant school working creatively and in a contemporary way, out of the foundation of Rudolf Steiner’s philosophy for education.