Sal and I spent a wet but cheerful day on Sunday, welcoming visitors to the Edible Garden Trail. Rain doesn’t dampen the enthusiasm of a gardener! We shared our beautiful integrated gardens that surround the everyday activity of the children. A big sing out to Sal and S’haila for the many new productive initiatives that have come out of Tuesday gardening with the primary school this term. A kitchen garden for after school care, a bush tucker garden in the carpark and seedlings everywhere. Also to the kindy and class teachers, and to Sean, who tend the gardens ongoingly to ensure they are productive for insects, birds and people. Permaculture teacher, Rowe Morrow, sometimes refers to a Vietnamese saying, “no one can do anything on their own”. Ecology is more than gardening or nature immersion, it a way of thinking, relating and living. The children at Kindlehill have around them a community/village that includes the standing, flying, creeping, burrowing and sipping folks!

Originally a high school teacher in the public system, Lynn has also taught at TAFE and in community settings. In the Steiner context, she has previously been a kindergarten and primary school teacher. In addition to her roles as Chair and Principal, Lynn is High School Co-Ordinator, teaches Geography and History, and co-ordinates the Outdoor Education Programme. Lynn has a B. Arts (UWA) and a Dip. Ed. (WA Secondary Teachers College).