The Autumn leaves start falling around Wentworth falls, this is our signal for each class at Kindlehill School to go out into the community and gather materials needed for our annual whole school biodynamic compost heap. Cow manure from a local farmer, fallen leaves from the local parks, compost from our classrooms, and green waste from our school veggie garden and orchard. Preparations are ordered, and arrived, we are ready..
The day begins with each class building a layer of the compost heap, whilst children are stirring the BD 500 and valerian, our magic potions in copper cauldrons. Finally, seed balls with the preps inside are placed with the last layer of straw, a blanket of warmth for the cold mountain days.
The whole school gathers in a circle around the magnificent compost heap, then songs are sung and blessings are made with hopes for an abundance of living healing soil, our gift to mother earth. We end with the spreading of the BD 500 throughout the school. Many hands flick the magic onto the garden beds on their way back to their classes, children and nature, nurtured and nourished.