Celebrating the Autumn equinox this year has an extra dimension due to the COVID – 19 pandemic. Last Friday, we mindfully prepared a modest but meaningful ceremony/celebration that supported the students in finding inner strength, in meeting fears and cultivating what is most important in our common humanity – kindness, generosity, humility, respect, love for our fellow human being, and looking out for the most vulnerable.
Every day as teachers and students we are approaching the things we do in our classes with this view to looking for opportunities to find strength and humanity in this time of fear and crisis. From a Steiner philosophic perspective, the social medicine of loving help for others and the ennobling of what is best in us as human beings, contributes positively to how we manage and come through in times of epidemics.
Steadfast I stand in the world
With certainty I tread the path of life
Love I cherish in the core of my being
Hope I carry into every deed
Confidence I imprint upon my thinking.
These five lead me to my goal
These five give me my existence.
-Rudolf Steiner
Autumn verse spoken by the children at the Autumn celebration on Friday.

Originally a high school teacher in the public system, Lynn has also taught at TAFE and in community settings. In the Steiner context, she has previously been a kindergarten and primary school teacher. In addition to her roles as Chair and Principal, Lynn is High School Co-Ordinator, teaches Geography and History, and co-ordinates the Outdoor Education Programme. Lynn has a B. Arts (UWA) and a Dip. Ed. (WA Secondary Teachers College).