Classes 4-5 and 6 were at Collaroy Beach on Friday to develop our surf-safe skills. The weather was perfect, the waves were beckoning, but unfortunately the bluebottles were having their carnival! Our young trainers kept us active on the sand: we sand surfed, we sand rescued. When we ventured even ankle deep, we got stung. There were some excellent lessons in how to treat bluebottle stings (hot water, or ice; not vinegar, and definitely don’t rub sand).
As children do, we still managed to have a great time. And we saw a lady taking her 2-meter golden python for a beach walk! Ah, beach culture.

After 20 years working as a civil engineer, manager and general manager, John joined the School in 2001 and has taken several cycles of primary school students from 1st to 7th class. A founding Director, he has also been the School’s Business Manager and Company Secretary, and currently chairs the Finance Committee.
“Through an education immersed in beauty, imagination and creativity, the growing child can step into the world with independence, confidence and deep social engagement: liberty, fraternity, equality.”