
Calling all Alumni and their Families

Are you a former student or family of Kindlehill School?

Founded in 2000, Kindlehill turns 21 in 2021. As Kindlehill School prepares to celebrate its 21st birthday on August 3rd, 2021, the School is reaching out to former students and their families to reconnect with the School.

Over the past twenty years, former students of Kindlehill School have progressed into a variety of professions including architecture, the performing and creative arts, hospitality small business enterprises, nursing, communications, social work, education – and more.

An important part of 2021 – and beyond – will be the opportunity to reconnect with former students and their families wherever they are and whatever they are now achieving in life.

Pippita Bennett, Teacher at the School since 2005, is coordinating the Alumni program. Alumni are invited to contact Lynn and Pippita at the School via

telephone (02-4757 4402)

Alumni Lunch, March 2021

Click the button below to read about our recent alumni lunch: