A Murmuration

A film by Michael Joy

One of the highlights of the March launch of our Senior High School program Buran Nalgarra – Strength and Learning Through Togetherness and our documentary, A Murmuration, was the centering of students’ voices. Michael Joy has filmed an interview with Guinnie Randall, the student who spoke so beautifully on the night, and she now features in a new edit of the film. Once we were back in the edit suite, it was impossible to resist the opportunity to tweak a few other elements too. We are thrilled with the final cut and are in the process of pitching the film to SBS and ABC for acquisition. It is a story we want to share widely, and, in that spirit, we invite you to watch and share the new edit.

Expressions of Interest

Please direct enquiries and expressions of interest to the Principal, Lynn Daniel. lynn@kindlehill.nsw.edu.au